Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Driving tips I've learned from living in Taiwan

1)When approaching a light that's turned yellow simple increase your speed.
2)When approaching a light that's turned red, increase speed and honk your horn.
3)When going through a red light, watch out for those pesky traffic cameras.
4)When approaching an intersection with no lights, stop signs, or yield signs, the general rule is - you hesitate, you will wait.
5)Learn to recognize the yellow signs on the side of the roads written in Chinese. These say, "caution traffic camera ahead".
6)Driving the wrong way down a road is perfectly acceptable and many times is a more convenient way to get where you're going.
7)Hazard lights are actually parking lights. Just stop in the middle of the road and turn them on - instant parking place.
8)Sidewalks are actually small roads made for scooters and any other vehicle able to get on them.
9)Bus exhaust can be a great heater during the winter, just drive your motorcycle right in. *note - don't breathe while using this method
10)Sneezing with your motorcycle helmet face shield down is not advised.

Next time you're driving in Taiwan remember this simple driving tips and they will enhance your driving experience. :)

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